Sunday, September 19, 2010

Veggies for life

For the last ten years my health has been going down hill. There is some I can do about it, and some I have been told I can't do much at all. Well, that's about to change. I have been kicking around the idea about becoming a Vegetarian for about five years.
Well, I've finally made the leap into a healthy lifestyle.
I've done if for several reason, number one being a healtheir me, and a longer life to enjoy life. Do I miss meat? I'd be lying if I said no, not at all. I miss some meat - bacon and the occasional steak. However, do I feel healtheir? Yes! Yes I do! I find I have more energy, I think clearly, and my skin seems much happier - not as greasy.
I made the complete change a couple of weeks ago. I've had bacon a couple of times. I have to be honest - it's the one meat I should really give up, but it's one I just won't. Now, stating that I can tell you I won't have it often. By that I mean I'll probably have it 4 times a year at the most. I don't miss it as much as I thought I would. I haven't had a steak at all, and I don't miss them as much as I thought I would. You see beef does not digest through my system as it once did. About three years ago I noticed it was taking more than eight hours to work through, and during that time it caused me a great deal of pain while it was digesting.
(Side note: the recipe is found here on SparkPeople: Squashed Stir Fried Brown Rice)
I stopped eating chicken because the texture literally made me gag. Pork is probably the one meat that I still don't have a problem with, but I just don't want it (minus bacon-again), anymore. Now, there's the question about fish and shell fish - well, I'm not a fish eater anyway. I do like shrimp, but don't eat it much either. So, minus the four times a year meat - bacon - I can say I'll be enjoying this new journey without meat.
I'm finding all kinds of delicious recipes. I enjoy soy. Thankfully I LOVE Asian foods. So, into this new journey of a healthy life I go. I've only lost two pounds so far - but it's about a life style, not about rapid weight loss.
Oh, and I'm not eating a ton of fried foods. I'm also cutting fat out of my diet. WOW does it do a number on your tummy!
Sorry, for the rambling and misguided blog today. I'm just happier and I wanted to share my new life style with those of you that actually read my blog.
Have a great day!


Marty said...

Good for you. While I never set out to become a vegetarian, I guess I actually became one (sort of) after reading quite a bit of scientific research on nutrition. I've always been a somewhat healthy eater, but what a shock it was to me over the years to discover that foods we always grew up thinking were healthy -- such as chicken -- actually aren't. Animal protein simply isn't that good for you. I began my reading when my father had a heart attack, mainly so I could help him and make sure I wasn't going down that same path. If you haven't read these books already, I recommend: The China Study (by Colin Campbell and his son), Healthy at 100 (by John Robbins) and Eat to Live (by Joel Fuhrman).

Liv said...

Awesome...I think you are going to love this journey...Just's a journey and we falter and take a few steps back..but as long as we keep's all good!!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Marty. I'll check them out and have a look at what they say. I just feel better when I don't eat meat. (even though bacon and pork are my down fall.)

Heart problems are one of my many medical issues I wish to get a hold on with this life style change.

Livy - I adore you. This is a journey I'm taking one step at a time. I've wandered off of the path a couple of times, but I regret it each time. Life is meant to be discovered - I'm finally doing just that.