Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dee's Country Cajun Potato Salad

I made this potato salad after trying to find a recipe for a good potato salad online. Sure, I found some, but being a kitchen witch, I'm never satisfied with other's recipes. So, off I went to my cauldron...I mean kitchen and created this recipe. It contains Borel's Cajun Zing season, flavor: Cajun Country Ranch Dunk-n-dip. You can find their FANTASTIC seasonsings here: Try them it's awesome!

4 Russett potatoes (cubed and cooked)
1 Orange pepper (cut and cubed)
1 medium carrot (peeled, cut and quartered)
1/4 Large onion (cut into small squares, or your desired shape and length)
1 package Borel's Cajun Zing (any are great, but I used: Cajun Country Ranch Dunk-n-dip)
5 T mayonaise
2 T yellow mustard

Mix together and enjoy! You can serve this hot or cold, mine was cold. ENJOY!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


If there is one thing I love it's to make other's smile. I know one way that is really easy to do that as well - it's to Swap. I've discovered through my daughter, and I am completley addicted to the site. WEEE
I also discovered through a friend on Craftster. They are both great sites. I like Swap-bot because they have postcard swaps, and online swaps. Things like filling out questionaires and sending them to others. You get to learn about others, and meet people. It is really great.

So, I have fallen back into the happy world of swaps. I used to do scrapbook swaps. They filled my waking hours to make the perfect page. I ended up stopping work on my own books until I was only doing swaps. So, then pretty much ended my scrapbooking.

Then, I lost everything in a flood in 2004, and my friends from the swaps sent me wonderful stuff. It replinshed my supplies some and I was able to scrapbook more. Shortly after that I had surgery, then lost my job. Being a single mom it was tough. We were homeless, I had no job and was recovering from a really bad surgery.

I never lost hope or belief in life and love of others thanks to those women in my swap buddy arena. They saw me through some very hard times. I stayed in contact with a handfull of them over the years, and recently thanks to Facebook I got back into contact with the one I was closest to. (Hugs Jacki!) I look back on that time that so many ask how I survived that time.

Well, my swap buddies helped me through it. I'm a positive person...but just having someone to talk too helped me so much. It wasn't about the stuff the sent, but the friendships that were discovered and bound.

So, for all of my past, present and future swap buddies - Hugs and much love. Friends don't always have to be the ones you live in the same town with, they can be someone that you may never meet face to face...but you have this string that you already share that connects your soul to mine...we just have to find it in the mixture of strings in the world.

Love and hugs and hugs!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Military Life

I've only known one life style - MILITARY!

I was born into the Army life, have worked for the military, with the exception of two companies. I love my life. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am a photographer and graphic designer for the US Army. My first job out of high school was a graphic artist for the USAF. I support the Troops - all the way!

A few weeks ago the big honchos in Germany informed us that they were closing our Post. I didn't react like others. I just said OK! Yes, I have return rights that I can use. However, that is NOT why I reacted so calmly. It's my life. Every two to three years it's time to move. Now that I'm back in the government system - I'm happy.

So, I have two years to enjoy Europe. I want to stay longer - but that is the will of my higher power if I'm going to go to England, or somewhere else. My dream and desire is to go to England first. We'll see. All of my energy, hopes and desires are to get to the UK.

I'm in Germany and I love it. I'll enjoy my time here and see as much as I can. Currently I'm planning a trip to a different country each month to spend a weekend or more. I'm here to explore and learn, and darn it that's what I'm going to do! Our first trip this month is to Ireland. Next month maybe Greece. We'll see.

So, enjoy your life where ever you are, and be thankful for all you have. Things can change at the drop of a hat. It's all in how you accept the news that affects everyone.

Blessings of love and light!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

100 Things

100 things that make me happy
1. The sound of my daughter’s laughter
2. The way my parents still look at one another after being together for over 50 years, and married for 48 of those
3. Knowing my daughter turned out so well, even though society states Single Parent children are a nuisance on society
4. That I have the right to choose my own religion. (Thank you to all the Troops!)
5. Being an Army Brat
6. Watching my dog “squidgy” on the ground
7. Knowing I have no regrets for things I’ve done in life
8. Watching sparrows
9. The purr of a cat
10. Holding my Grandma in my arms as she left this life
11. Remembering her golden rule – If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all. You can always find something nice to say. You could be the only person that day to be kind to that person.
12. Knowing it is okay to cry
13. Seeing an old ’57 Chevy, and knowing it’s a ’57 Chevy!
14. Loving my job
15. Giving a compliment, and meaning it from the bottom of my heart
16. Being able to listen to others, while keeping it to myself
17. Having a good relationship with my Dad
18. Living my dream of being back in Germany
19. The taste of GOOD barbeque
20. Hearing birds sing
21. Watching fish swim
22. Driving
23. Listening to music
24. Seeing a baby be born
25. Seeing someone smile
26. Peanut butter and Nutella sandwich
27. Knowing I never have to eat my Grandma’s peanut butter frosting again!
28. Watching baseball live
29. Being a kitchen witch
30. Hearing the bagpipes played properly
31. Bunnies
32. Chocolate when it reaches that stage when it’s squishy between your fingers
33. The taste of a freshly made glass of sweet iced tea
34. The feeling I have after cleaning
35. Learning to accept myself
36. Giving and receiving unconditional love
37. A good fart
38. Not letting my medical problems rule my life
39. Children with red hair
40. The Chicago Bears (yes, still!)
41. The fact that I do NOT like the San Antonio Spurs!
42. A cool breeze on a hot day
43. Having time to myself
44. Being kissed passionately
45. Going to the zoo
46. Watching bugs
47. Being positive
48. Getting up early, before anyone else and walking around the house
49. A hug from my Dad
50. Daisies
51. A relaxing walk
52. Being accepted
53. Not feeling like I have to compete to make a point, or be heard
54. Giving a hug
55. Talking with my Mom for hours
56. The shape of my Mom’s face
57. Memories of my brother and I growing up
58. The smell of my daughter’s hair
59. The feel of a child’s hand in mine
60. How grass feels between my toes
61. The sound of water hitting the shore
62. The feeling of relief after I’ve finished a good hard cry
63. Laughing
64. A smooth landing
65. Penguins
66. Hearing a child discover something for the first time
67. Seeing an older couple holding hands
68. Ladybug’s
69. Hot chocolate made from scratch with mini marshmallows
70. Campfires
71. Being kind
72. Getting home after traveling
73. Knowing that I can still find love, but being okay with being single
74. Not being afraid to speak my mind, finally!
75. Being Pagan, and not having to identify with any single religion
76. The smell of Spring
77. The cold starkness of winter
78. Loving my pets, but treating them like animals
79. Pink, green, orange, and yellow
80. Knowing how to compose a good photo
81. Giving money to beggars and not feeling like I need to explain my actions
82. Big cities
83. Rock and roll
84. Disney animated movies
85. The memory of my first real kiss
86. Accepting I am an artist
87. Loving to learn
88. Vanilla ice cream in a cone
89. Europe
90. A fresh praline
91. Cooking
92. Surfing the internet
93. Blogging
94. Sing Star
95. The smell of a fresh clean towel
96. Making new friends
97. Going home
98. Realizing I can do it
99. Accepting others for who they are
100. Realizing I could do more, maybe I should do a thousand…

Monday, July 5, 2010

I love the fact that Germany is so safe. I haven't felt this safe in decades!
For instance, here they provide parking for women closer to the exits. They have special taxis for women.

Thank you for the feeling of safety!

I'm glad to be here again!